Jimmy Fallon Egg Roulette David Beckham
David Beckham proves he's both incredibly hot and a great sport, even with a face full of raw egg. Watch: David Beckham and Jimmy Fallon play raw egg Russian roulette - 9Celebrity News. Egg Russian Roulette There are a dozen eggs. Eight of them have been hard boiled and four of them are raw. Fallon went head-to-head with the likes of Edward Norton, Tom Cruise and David Beckham.
Yesterday was a sad day for David Beckham’s wonderful hair on NBC’s Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.
The pair played a game of Egg Russian Roulette, where a carton of a dozen eggs contained eight hard-boiled ones and four raw ones.
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The two took turns smashing a randomly selected eggs (painted to look like soccer balls, because of course) on their heads. David decided it better to smash on the top of his head rather than Fallon’s tactics of against his forehead.
Things went downhill quickly for the guest, who picked a raw egg off the bat and soiled his hair. He would eventually fall in the contest, being the first to select two raw eggs.
He did, however, remain a fantastic sport throughout the messy contest, as one would only come to expect from Becks.