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Hver slot på et containerskib vil give en større containerlastkapacitet i et givet år end en slot på et ikke-cellulært skib, eftersom det cellulære skib:
Each slot on a cellular vessel will provide more container carrying capacity in any given year than a slot on a non-cellular vessel, since the cellular ship:
Hvis konkurrenten af en eller anden grund ikke kan gøre dette, kan den forsøge at begrunde den manglende udnyttelse af det overdragne slot på grundlag af artikel 10, stk. 5, i forordning (EØF) nr. 95/93.
If the Competitor is unable to do so for any reason, they may seek to justify the non-use of the surrendered slot on the basis of Article 10(5) of Regulation (EEC) No 95/93.
19 På det begrebsmæssige plan har sagsøgeren gjort gældende, at de to varemærker ikke tilsvarer tyske ord, uanset at præfikset »castel« er præfikset af det latinske ord »castellum«, som betyder slot, og at dette præfiks på tysk oversættes med det fonetisk tilsvarende »Kastell«.
19 On a conceptual level, the applicant points out that the two marks are not German words, even though the prefix ‘castel’ is the prefix of the Latin word ‘castellum’, meaning castle, and that prefix is translated into German by its phonetic equivalent ‘Kastell’.
Han blev fundet nær det slot, Hannibal voksede op i.
Individuelle slots kan ikke få hævdvunden status, da dette reducerer mulighederne for at skabe sammenhængende fartplaner for luftfartsselskaberne i lufthavnen.
Individual slots cannot be 'grandfathered', since this would reduce the possibilities of establishing coherent carrier schedules at the airport in question.
Vi bygger et slot af krogede grene og maste småører.
We'll build a castle of crooked branches... and flattened pennies.
Jeg har fundet disse temmelig barske billeder af dette slot.
I have found these rather austere pictures of this castle.
Hvis der derfor ikke træffes en beslutning, der beskytter hævdvundne rettigheder for slots, tvinges luftfartsselskaberne til at opretholde eksisterende kapacitet, selv om efterspørgslen er faldet betydeligt og udbuddet er begrænset på grund af restriktioner i luftrummet, og dette vil øge de eksisterende økonomiske vanskeligheder.
Thus without a decision to safeguard slots with 'grandfather status' they would be forced to maintain existing capacity even though demand has been substantially reduced and supply is limited due to airspace restrictions, thus aggravating existing economic difficulties.
Slots, der er tildelt et nytilkommet luftfartsselskab, som defineret i artikel 2, litra b), kan ikke overføres, som anført i stk. 1, litra b), i nærværende artikel, i et tidsrum på to ligeværdige fartplansæsoner, undtagen når det drejer sig om en retmæssigt bemyndiget overtagelse af en insolvent virksomheds aktiviteter.
Slots allocated to a new entrant as defined in Article 2(b) may not be transferred as provided for in paragraph 1(b) of this Article for a period of two equivalent scheduling periods, except in the case of a legally authorised takeover of the activities of a bankrupt undertaking.
Hver slot på et containerskib vil give en større containerlastkapacitet i et givet år end en slot på et ikke-cellulært skib, eftersom det cellulære skib
Each slot on a cellular vessel will provide more container carrying capacity in any given year than a slot on a non-cellular vessel, since the cellular ship:
In 1712 the castle and the town of Strelitz burnt down.
Når luftfartsselskaber regelmæssigt har brugt slots til denne form for transport i en lufthavn, der henhører under denne forordnings anvendelsesområde, selv hvor disse slots ikke altid omfatter de samme ruter, gives anmodninger om fortsat anvendelse af sådanne slots forrang.
Where air carriers have regularly used slots for such transportation at an airport falling within the scope of this Regulation, even where those slots do not always involve the same routes, priority shall be given to requests for continued usage of such slots. [Am.
Den i artikel 4, stk. 1, litra d)-g), og i artikel 16, stk. 10, artikel 17, stk. 3-7, og artikel 18, stk. 1, i forordning (EF) nr. 1008/2008 fastsatte udbudsprocedure gælder for benyttelse af de i stk. 1 Ö i denne artikel Õ nævnte slots, hvis mere end et EF-luftfartsselskab er interesseret i at beflyve ruten og ikke har været i stand til at få slots en time før eller efter de tidspunkter, koordinatoren er blevet anmodet om.
The tender procedure established in Article 16(10), Article 17(3) to (7) and Article 18(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 shall be applied for the use of the slots referred to in paragraph 1 Ö of this Article Õ if more than one Community air carrier is interested in serving the route and has not been able to obtain slots within one hour before or after the times requested from the coordinator.
Vin, der er produceret af druer, der er høstet på marker tilhørende en virksomhed, hvor der ligger en bygning eller en ruin af et historisk slot. Vinen skal være produceret på denne virksomhed.
Wines produced from grapes harvested in vineyards exploited by a holding, where there is a building or ruins of historical Castle and the wine making is carried out in this holding.
På trods heraf besad Robert og hertugfamilien fortsat en betragtelig formue og rejste i et privat tog mellem hans slotte i Schwarzau am Steinfeld nær Wien, Villa Pianore i Norditalien og Château de Chambord i Frankrig.
Despite loss of his throne, Duke Robert and his family enjoyed considerable wealth, traveling in a private train of more than a dozen cars among his castles at Schwarzau am Steinfeld near Vienna, Villa Pianore in northwest Italy, and the magnificent Château de Chambord in France.
Det lykkedes, og Valdemar Atterdag accepterede at lade hende beholde kontrol over slottet på betingelse af, at hun holdt sig ude af krigen.
This succeeded, and Atterdag agreed to leave her in control of the castle, on condition that she stay out of the war.
Parterne vil i det tilfælde stille de pågældende slots til rådighed for andre nye markedsdeltagere eller for andre selskaber, der allerede opererer på ruten, inden for en ny frist på 12 måneder beregnet fra den dato, hvor slotsene blev returneret til parterne, og på samme vilkår som i forbindelse med deres første overdragelse.
The parties will in such a case make available the released slots for other new entrants or other incumbents for a further period of 12 months from the date the slots are returned to the parties on the same terms and under the same conditions as applied to the original slots transferred.
Bute reintroducerede kommerciel vinavl i Storbritannien og plantede en vinmark umiddelbart nedenfor slottet, og vinproduktionen fortsatte frem til første verdenskrig.
Bute reintroduced commercial viticulture into Britain, planting a vineyard just below the castle, and wine production continued until the First World War.
Der er derfor behov for at definere slots fra et retligt synspunkt, sikre en gennemsigtig, neutral og ikke-diskriminerende fastsættelse af lufthavnskapacitet og at etablere slot-tildelingsprocedurer, der foretages af koordinatorer der er både retligt og de facto uafhængige.
Hence, there is a need to clarify the legal nature of slots, ensure the transparent, neutral, and non-discriminatory airport capacity determination and set up slot allocation procedures by legally and factually independent coordinators.
understreger behovet for på fællesskabsplan at udvikle en harmoniseret tilgang, der kan sikre sammenhæng mellem slots og flyveplaner; opfordrer Kommissionen til at forelægge forslag om passende foranstaltninger og tilskynder de europæiske lufthavnskoordinatorer til at yde deres bidrag i denne forbindelse;
Stresses the need to develop, at European level, a harmonised approach for guaranteeing consistency between airport slots and flight plans, calls on the Commission to propose appropriate measures and encourages the participation of the European airport coordinators in this matter;
Hvis et luftfartsselskab ikke indgiver oplysningerne i stk. 1, medmindre det på tilfredsstillende måde kan vise, at der foreligger formildende omstændigheder, eller giver falske eller vildledende oplysninger, tager koordinatoren ikke anmodningen eller anmodningerne om slots fra det luftfartsselskab, som de manglende, falske eller vildledende oplysninger vedrører, i betragtning.
Where an air carrier fails to provide the information referred to in paragraph 1, unless it can satisfactorily demonstrate that mitigating circumstances exist, or provides false or misleading information, the coordinator shall not take into consideration the slot request or requests by that air carrier to which the missing, false or misleading information relates.
Samtidig vækker Kommissionens foreløbige planer om ændring af fordelingen af de såkaldte slots, som regulerer flyenes start- og ankomsttider, bekymring i de små flyselskaber.
At the same time the Commission's original plans for a review of slot allocation (allocation of aircraft take-off and landing times) are raising questions among the small airlines.
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Tuesday - Friday | 11.00 - 22.00 |
Saturday - Sunday | 11.00 - 18.00 |
Monday | Closed |
Due to new COVID-19 restrictions from the Danish authorities, the museum is temporarily closed. We expect to re-open on 5 January and look forward to welcoming you in 2021.
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Visit our webshop and explore Danish and Scandinavian design and much more
Buy Louisiana gifts for yourself and others from home. In our webshop, you will find design items, ceramics, books, and a large selection of both new and classic Louisiana-posters. We ship worldwide.
The new year presents seven exhibitions including new and vast presentations of works from the collection.
You can look forward to the large-scale exhibition Mother! - an exhibition revolving around Motherhood, viewed through changing notions of art and culture in the 20th and 21st centuries. Later in the year you can experience Mamma Andersson's seductive and disturbing paitings, followed by one of the great names of contemporary art - Muka Rottenberg. A unique figure in the history of modern Danish art is the focus of this year's final Louisiana exhibition - Jens Adolf Jerichau.
Looking forward to...
Slot Paa Engelsk
Where literature begins
New series of personal encounters with 12 Danish writers
A new series of film portraits allows for a closer look of some of the greatest contemporary voices of Danish literature.
The writers each welcome us on a journey into their personal creative space and the places - round Denmark, Iceland and Greenland – that are especially important to their writing.
The 12 films are produced by the literary festival Louisiana Literature and will be published through November on Louisiana Channel.
Louisiana Channel is a non-profit website that provides culture to the Internet, extending beyond the museum’s own events. The Louisiana team produces videos about art and culture on an ongoing basis. New videos are posted at the site every week.
German architect Anna Heringer on her latest project, Anandaloy in Bangladesh, which won this year's Obel Award – one of the largest architectural prizes in the world.