Emplois Casino Du Lac Leamy
Try your luck at Casino du Lac-Leamy's table games or enjoy their live entertainment and fine dining, within walking distance. The Canadian Museum of History offers unique exhibits, hands-on demonstrations for children, and a stunning IMAX theatre. Venture across the Ontario border and admire the architecture on Parliament Hill. Here are some of the reasons why Casino du Lac-Leamy was selected as one of National Capital Region's Top Employers (2020): Casino du Lac-Leamy generously starts its new employees with up to four weeks of paid vacation after their first year of employment, moving to five weeks over the course of their careers. The slots machine, often known as the “one Emplois Casino Du Lac Leamy armed bandit”, became an icon of modern online gaming. At Slotomania, you can start playing your favorite slot games with crazy graphics, top of the line sound effects, and hundreds of variations to choose from.
Industry | Casino resort hotel |
Established in Canada | 1996 |
Parent company | Société des Casinos du Québec |
Parent company head office | Montréal QC |
Major Canadian hiring locations | Ottawa ON, Gatineau QC |
Full-time employees in Canada | 869 |
Part-time employees in Canada | 578 |
Average age of employees in Canada | 40 years |
Longest serving employee | 23 years |
Long-term savings | defined-benefit (DB) pension |
Health plan premium | as part of the health plan, the employer pays up to 65% of the premiums |
Health spending account | up to $310 each year |
Flexible work options | flexible work hours, shortened work week (fewer hours with less pay), compressed work week |
Vacation allowance | new employees receive 4 weeks of paid vacation after their first year on the job |
Outside survey period | outside consultant surveys are held every 36 months |
Employee performance reviews | employees receive individual performance reviews every 12 months |
In-house training initiatives | in-house training, online training, leadership training, paid internships |
Related tuition subsidies | employer covers up to 100% of tuition per year |
Employee charitable involvement | employees are involved in selection of charities |
Message important
Notre site internet est à jour. Vous y retrouverez toutes les informations pertinentes en lien avec les questions se rapportant aux spectacles annulés et reportés.
Nos prochains spectacles auront lieux à compter d'avril 2021.
Pour les spectacles reportés, les détenteurs de billets sont invités à les conserver pour les nouvelles dates. Voir l'onglet 'SPECTACLES' pour les changements à jour.
En conservant vos billets, vous démontrez votre solidarité envers les artistes, les techniciens, les producteurs, les diffuseurs et tous les artisans de la scène.
Nous vous en sommes très reconnaissants!
Pour plus d'information, visitez l'onglet 'Questions' sur ce site.
Important message
Our website is up to date. You will find all the relevant information in regards to questions relating to canceled and postponed shows.
Our next shows are scheduled for April 2021.
For rescheduled shows, ticket holders are encouraged to keep them for the new dates. Go to the 'SHOWS' section to see the up-to-date modifications.
By keeping your tickets, you demonstrate your solidarity with the artists, technicians, producers and all artisans in the performing arts.
We are very grateful to you!
For further information, see the FAQs on this site.
La billetterie du Théâtre du Casino est temporairement fermée.
The Box Office is temporary closed.
Pour les demandes urgentes / For urgent matters:
Prière de communiquer avec nous par courriel
ou visiter l'onglet 'Questions' sur ce site.
Emplois Casino Du Lac Leamy
Please contact us via email : info@3ge.ca
Or see the FAQs on this site.
L’achat de billets pour nos spectacles qui auront lieu en 2021 et 2022 est toujours possible en ligne 24 heures sur 24: ticketmaster.ca
You can still purchase tickets for our 2021 and 2022 shows through the Ticketmaster website: ticketmaster.ca
Emploi Au Casino Du Lac Leamy
Bienvenue au Théâtre du Casino Lac-Leamy!
L’entrée au Théâtre du Casino est réservée strictement aux personnes de 18 ans & +. Preuve d’âge légale obligatoire requise.
Welcome to the Théâtre du Casino Lac-Leamy!
The entrance of the Théâtre du Casino is located in the Casino Lac-Leamy, therefore, the admission is 18+, legal proof of age is mandatory.
Emplois Casino Du Lac Leamy Gatineau Qc
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